Kevin and I would like to invite you and your inner child on a Magical Mystery Picnic in the Enchanted Forest in honour of the commencement of the last year of my twenties.
Whilst this expedition will be fun it may also hold hidden dangers so you will need to come well prepared. You will need sturdy walking shoes, warm clothes, a blanket, candles, and a flashlight or torch, depending which continent you originate from, as this is an evening/night-time adventure.
Nature is providing the venue but my good friend Pooh told me never to go on an expedition without provisions, so I entreat you to bring your favourite picnic dish (filled with food) and something to drink.
You may also want to bring silly toys along, well, Kevin and I would like you to, anyway!
When: Sat 31st May, 2003
Where: Meet at 5pm at Suseo Yok, 349, Exit #4
RSVP: Fri 30th May, so we know to wait for you!